Welcome to BonBon's Toy Closet!

BonBon's Toy Closet in real life contains toys, games, and books for my grandchildren. But several other closets have been taken over for my dolls, doll clothes, doll furniture, doll houses, doll accessories, doll sewing materials, doll trunks, and various doll supplies!

After about 15 years of playing dolls, I decided to share some of the results on this blog. I hope you enjoy looking around. You will find Cissy dolls, vintage hard plastic dolls, Tonner Ann Estelle and Sophie dolls, doll houses, and a variety of other topics.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

More "May Day" outfits

Continuing from the previous blog, here are photos of more outfits in the trunkset  for "May Day" Ann Estelle

This colorful print fabric is designed by Mary Englebreit.  The dress and hair ornament were made by an eBay seamstress.  Cute!

BonBon made this nightgown from solid pink batiste, trimmed with embroidered ribbon.

This closeup shows the lace-trimmed pantaloons and the handmade matching slippers.

Ann Estelle is wearing her Christmas dress, with a hair ornament made of tiny ornaments and ribbon.

The layout shows an example of the white lace-trimmed petticoat and white tights BonBon made to wear with the dress.  Also there is a tiny bead bracelet. (Remember that photo of a drawer full of beading stuff?)

This is an example of a "refurbished" outfit.  I bought a trunk that had a porcelain doll, an inch or two taller than this doll, wearing a Victorian outfit.  I took apart the outfit, added a white top to the pleated skirt and made a jacket from the top.  I used the ruffle from a bonnet to make a hair ornament.  (I redressed the porcelain doll in another outfit that came with the trunk and gave the doll to a neighbor's little girl.)

The shoes that are shown with the outfits were bought on eBay from various sellers.


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