Welcome to BonBon's Toy Closet!

BonBon's Toy Closet in real life contains toys, games, and books for my grandchildren. But several other closets have been taken over for my dolls, doll clothes, doll furniture, doll houses, doll accessories, doll sewing materials, doll trunks, and various doll supplies!

After about 15 years of playing dolls, I decided to share some of the results on this blog. I hope you enjoy looking around. You will find Cissy dolls, vintage hard plastic dolls, Tonner Ann Estelle and Sophie dolls, doll houses, and a variety of other topics.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

BonBon Can't Play Without Making a Mess

In the previous blog, about BonBon's Blue Dollhouse, I mentioned the "redo" of removing furniture and rearranging things.  everything all looks nice and neat in those photos. 

But just as an example, here are the messes necessary just to put a few pieces of china in the china cabinet.  This illustrates a basic principle of BonBon's Toy Closet:  You Can't Play Without Making a Mess.

First, I have to find the items to put in the china cabinet.  This little chest of drawers is crammed full of dollhouse accessories.

By the way, the dollhouse materials are in yet another closet.  That makes a total of SIX closets in my house with toy/doll/dollsewing/dollhouse stuff in them.   Hmmm.  I admit that sounds a bit much.  Have I mentioned that my dear husband is a VERY SWEET and TOLERANT person?  He also does not poke around in these closets much, which may be a very good thing, now that I think about it.

One drawer in that chest had lots of itsy-bitsy china, as well as many other items.  On the left are some of the items removed from the Blue Dollhouse, by the way.
The itsy-bitsy china pieces kept falling over in the little cabinet.  What to do?  Fortunately, BonBon's crafting center has lots of blues and adhesives.  Tiny little dot adhesives would do fine.  At while I am there, I might as well repair one of the chairs removed in the "redo" of the Blue Dollhouse.

The little dots hold each piece in place nicely.  The other things (china, books, etc.) go back to storage in the drawer in the chest in that sixth closet.

I have now made messes in three different rooms.  But the cabinet looks better with items displayed.  And I will eventually wander back into those rooms and find the messes and straighten up.  It might even be the same day.

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